WiFi in the Sky


Wi-Fi on airplanes. Thirty years ago, after having spent a few weeks in New Hampshire in February before the Presidential primary, my wife and I were up late watching broadcast news. The phone rang. It was a friend who was on a cross country flight...calling from the airplane! Say what? Yes, he paid like ten dollars a minute to call as he was at 35000 feet and over the Rockies and called, just because he could. Fast forward thirty years. Now, while we can't make a phone call, for a nominal fee you can surf the internet, text and email friends and yes, even do some work, like I do ????, while in flight. So, it's kinda fun to watch people enjoying their pursuits. Some are intense as they bang away on their keyboards with a fervor that I can only interpret as a life or death email or text exchange that simply can't wait. Others engross themselves in a movie, complete with sound deadening headphones and then some get on Facebook and write "pithy" stories. I can't imagine anyone doing that but I am told it happens. ???? In any event, I am on a plane headed home, enjoying the wonders of technology, surfing the internet, watching a movie, texting friends and doing some work. (Just in case anyone asks) But I'm not making a phone call...that is so old school. lol

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