The Arrogant Lady Traveler


Every now and then I have a bad air travel day. Today is one such day. After flight cancelations, rebooking, weather and mechanical delays, I sit in the Atlanta airport again at the mercy of the airline and trying to get home. But my first flight was my bad experience. I boarded the small regional jet and settled in to my exit window seat as I watched the rest of the passengers board this very full flight.

We were filling up when she came on board, that loud obnoxious woman on her cell phone talking so loud that the entire plan could hear her conversation and she obviously wanted everyone to hear her dropping political names, including Obama. She wanted it known that she was IMPORTANT!!. And she had to sit next to me. She droned on for another ten minutes as I minded my own business. The flight attendant came to our row to deliver exit row instructions but the lady wouldn't get off the phone and was oblivious to any but her own existence.

The flight attendant looked at me and rolled her eyes as she knew this lady was annoying everyone around her and said she would come back. The lady kept talking.

I was really tired so I closed my eyes and tried to ignore the annoyance. She finally finished her call and began texting when the attendant came back and did her job. The texting didn't stop even tho the cabin door had been closed and announcement made to shut down electronics.

The flight attendant came thru again for a final check and politely asked for her to shut down. She didn't. The attendant then made her way to the back and returned again and asked again. The lady quickly threw her iPod in her bag and said she shut it down...she obviously did not and the attendant noticed but turned and went back to the front. As soon ad she sat down the lady pulled it out and started texting again....and just couldn't help myself....she was a real primadonna.

As she was texting I leaned over and quietly asked why she was so special. Long story short we exchanged a few words and she let me know just how rude I was and tried to lecture me. I just chuckled and closed my eyes but she wouldn't shut up. I let her know that I was no more rude than someone talking too loud on a cellphone just to namedrop. She called me names and accused me of harassment, etc and then said she was going to find another if I should be offended by her threat.

She told me she had never been talked like this in her 47 years....I told her she probably should have been several of course that made me a mysogenist.

Once in flight she did actually switch seats with a very nice fellow from Atlanta and we had a nice chat during the flight.

The flight attendant loved it and served me free drinks when I told her the full story. She went on to tell me that she had already notified the flight crew of this lady as a possible problem and wanted my contact info for possible follow up.

At one point during the lady's rant, after she said she was 47, she said she has served our country for 40 years and trained generals on how to conduct a war....hilarious arrogance.

So now heading home....and in first class where I never have these problems.

A day in the life of a traveler

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