Always Tip Well


Travel tip: Always tip service workers, you never know when it will come back to you. The Delta meltdown this week created chaos, flights canceled followed by long delays, etc. My trip was extended by a day as a result. But, today I am flying home from DCA, where I fly in and out frequently. I almost always do curbside check in for my bag because 1) it is more convenient and 2) I like to support the baggage guys by tipping them well. As a result, they remember. Today, as usual, I went to curbside only to be told I had to see a full service agent due to the flight change, etc. So I take my bag and walk in to the terminal where the line was at least 75 deep. And then my regular curbside guy saw me and asked what was happening. He took my ID and went directly to an agent behind the counter and returned with my baggage ticket and boarding pass and then grabbed my bag for delivery to x-ray screening and loading....and I was on my way after another good tip. Tip well, my friends.

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